Keep your message clear and real

‘They say don’t believe your own hype, but if you don’t why would anyone else?

To be great you have to believe you can do great things.’

– Charlie Johnson

In this modern world of ‘noise’ (from email and social media) we are bombarded with offers that promise us the earth the moon and the stars. 

We are reminded of the famous saying ‘Don’t believe the hype’ and click shift + delete.  Occasionally though, hidden amongst the noise are gems of information that will actually help us.  Sweet bird song solutions to our problems and challenges, if only we can hear the message over the cacophony of noise coming from the forest.

In the business world we simply must ensure that our message is simple and crystal clear. Our words need to guide and help our clients. Our lessons need to bring them a better life via a solution to the problems they are facing. The solution needs to be the client’s solution teased out of them by us asking questions.

 Let’s not talk about what we are offering in terms of what the service looks like – that would be like the Bell Bird explaining that it’s a bird that makes a beautiful sound.  Let’s instead share what problems our services will solve for our clients – the music it will be to their ears.  Let that message be clear, to resonate with its own merit.  Delete the need for background noise.  Focus on the solution, be confident your solution works and is exactly what your client needs, articulate it clearly and allow your client to respond.

 If they don’t respond to your birdsong then don’t respond by making more noise.


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